Compatible with iOS 11.0 +
Enable native PiP in iOS YouTube app.
YouPiP best supports the latest version of YouTube. You may downgrade to as far as version 16.29.4, older versions will not be (fully) supported.
1.12.7: PiP should no longer activate if either "Use PiP Button" or "Use Video Tab Bar Button" is enabled
1.12.6: PiP should no longer activate if the YouTube's own PiP setting is off
Fixed PiP not working on iOS 13
Removed Legacy PiP option from iOS 13, because it must be enabled regardless
Known issue (iOS 13): PiP may not activate if it is not activated from the PiP button
Depends on ForceInPicture 1.0.1+ for iPhones running iOS 13 and lower
Fixed appWillEnterBackground: method not being called on iOS 14
1.12.4: Added missing hooks for Legacy PiP for recent YouTube versions
1.12.3: Background playback is no longer forcibly enabled for YouPiP, you should ensure it is enabled in the original YouTube app settings
Simplified PiP enabling logic
Fixed setting icon not appearing when the tweak is disabled and grouped settings experiment is on
Fixed the tweak setting icon and Video Tab Bar PiP button being black in dark mode on YouTube version 20.02.3
When iOS Text Size is not default, the Video Tab Bar PiP button will be resized accordingly
1.11.0: Added a new setting to make it possible for PiP to activate from either the video overlay button, the video tab bar button or dismissing the app at the same time
1.10.1: Possibly Fixed the tweak not working when PiP setting has never been on before
1.10.0: Updated for YTVideoOverlay 2.0.0
Added YTVideoOverlay as a dependency, allowing you to make PiP button appear either top or bottom of the video overlay
Made the tweak enabled by default
Added th localization
1.8.19 (16.29.4+):
Removed legacy code and files, minimum supported YouTube version is now 16.29.4
Added YouGroupSettings tweak as an optional dependency
Fixed the logic for adding PiP button to the video tab bar (contributed by NguyenASang)
Fixed crash on YouTube version 19.24.2 and higher
Fixed a possible crash on old YouTube versions when opening settings
Corrected Legacy PiP availability logic
Corrected detection of Module_Framework.framework
Optimized the logic to add PiP button to the video tab bar
Added a localized version of tweak name for Polish
Added id, pl localization