Compatible with iOS 11.0 +
Unlock 1440p and 2160p resolutions (VP9-compatible) in iOS YouTube app.
1.5.6: Maybe Fixed an issue where a video may start with a random non-preferred caption track
1.5.5-2: Added id, pl localization
Added a future-proof hook for when iosPlayerClientSharedConfigPostponeCabrPreferredFormatFiltering will be removed
Updated spoof version to 15.8.3 (for iOS 14-)
Updated ru, tr localization
1.5.3: Fixed 1440p+ formats not showing on YouTube version 19.24.2 and higher
1.5.2: Fixed crash on YouTube version 19.22.3 and higher
Fixed 1440p+ formats not showing on recent YouTube versions
Force enabled AV1 codec alongside VP9
Updated ja localization
1.5.0-1: Updated es and zh_cn localization
1.5.0: Added "VP9 for all" option where you can enable VP9 for all resolutions
Updated spoof version to 15.8.1 (for iOS 14-)
Updated zh_cn localization
1.4.2: Fixed crash on YouTube version 19.03.2 and higher
Updated spoof version to 15.8 (for iOS 14-)
Added note about YouPiP tweak when used in conjunction with YTUHD
Added th localization
Force VP9 formats only for 1440p and higher
Updated spoof version to 15.7.6 (for iOS 14-)
Updated ja localization
Updated spoof version to 15.7.2 (for iOS 14-)
Updated tr, zh_cn localization
1.3.4-2: Added ar, de, fr, hu, it, ja, ko, nl, pt, ro, ru, tr, vi, zh_cn, zh_tw localization
1.2.10: Prevent the app from choosing AVC1 over VP9 codec
Hooks MLABRPolicyNew and MLABRPolicyOld classes (introduced in YouTube version 17.30.3)
Updated spoofed version to iOS 15.6 (for iOS 13-)
1.2.8: Reverted non-HDR 720p+ workaround because YouTube has fixed the issue
Allows non-HDR 720p+ formats of UHD HDR videos to display as options (for iOS 14/sideloaded?)
Updated spoofed version to iOS 15.4.1 (for iOS 13-)
1.2.6: Updated spoofed version to iOS 14.8.1 (for iOS 13-)
1.2.5: Fixed crashing on some older YouTube versions
1.2.4: Forces enabling Video quality settings on older YouTube to have YTUHD setting there